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Application for the Fleet Ennead

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 4:33 am
by Pebkio
Right, my application to join the ninth fleet.

My online handle is Pebkio. It's Pebkio for all of my online gaming... at least, for my first character. Now, I've played a fair amount of MMOs, mostly RPG. I started a long time ago with Fiesta, went on from there with a lot of cheap WoW knockoffs which I never stuck with for too long. The best of that type of game I've ever played was Mabinogi (awesome combat, great story-lines, horrible setting). I've also played a few flight simulator games, mostly Star Wars. There's a reason for that, I started with my father's Tie Fighter game so very very long ago... and also because I'm a Star Wars fan. Oh, but look at me, avoiding the direct topic., I've not played any other Star Trek game before this one. They never really interested me much. I remember hearing about this game when it first got popular and thinking that an MMO Star Trek game might be alright. But that was back in the days where you had to pay a subscription for it and I've never really had stable income. So a micro-transaction system just makes more sense for me, seeing as how I was originally trained to be a computer technician in Colorado Springs, CO.

...I realize that would only make sense to people who have lived there a bit but this allowed me to state where I'm from. I also write a lot and am going to college. That should be plenty about just me.

Right, now, STO and me. I learned it went free a short while back from a web comic called Least I Could Do. They had a link up... and I just realized I never claimed the LICD bonus thing. Oh well, that was over a week ago. Anyway, I gave it a test run on my friend's computer on Jan 20th, liked it, and downloaded it onto my much better rig. A friend of mine from LoL had been playing for a while, showed me the ropes, bought me a mirror vessel and a bunch of rear admiral stuff.

But I've never been in a fleet before. Didn't realize I kind of needed it, but after hitting level 50 a couple days ago and browsing the vice-admiral ships, I learned otherwise. Especially after I tried the missions that gave fleet marks. It would me a long long time to get the 20,000 I need. Or the 200,000. There are two near identical ships.

Oh right, I have one ship right now, a Mirror Recon Science Vessel. Some great AOE trimmings and a lot of shielding tricks. Three dual beam banks in the front and three turrets in the back (all tetryon). I'm mainly in this for the PVE, including the omega stuff because I'd really much like to have the omega set. But I've learned over the years that MMOs have only one real replayable feature for me: Helping new people. I could go into so much detail but really: Helping. New. People. Especially when going over the mechanics of the game.

...btw: Just lost The Game.

Finally, the important thing:

Re: Application for the Fleet Ennead

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 2:45 pm
by apollox
Welcome to the fleet. You'll be assigned to the 1st squadron under maddog. Look forward to flying with u when I get my net back fully. My screename Ingame is Apollo@apollo2935

Re: Application for the Fleet Ennead

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 5:43 pm
by Anubis
welcome to the fleet...i hope we will fly sool ingame name is @alenj...and i am CO of the 12th (Europe side)...and if have any questions please ask...and once more welcome :P