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Looking to join up

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 10:34 am
by Joshmaul
If you hadn't guessed from the name, my name is Josh. I'm 25, living in the South Shore of Massachusetts at the moment, heh heh. I'm something of an amateur historian - big focus is on the presidents and the American Civil War - and cemetery visitor, as well as a volunteer worker for the Sports Car Club of yes, I'm unemployed and living in the basement of my parents' house, heh. And I am also not really much of a fan of the JJ-verse. I think the movie was good on its own, but it didn't feel like Trek to me - even though it tried to look like it. I admit to being a purist for the classics (I'm a TOS/TNG fan, as well as bits of DS9...didn't care much for Voyager or Enterprise, except for the two-part MU episode of Enterprise). My first Trekkie recollection was constantly rewinding the opening scene of Star Trek: The Motion Picture with the Klingon battlecruisers when I was about two.

In addition to on-and-off STO, I've played several Trek games over the years: The Starfleet Command games (SFC1 remains my favorite), Armada 1 and a bit of Armada 2, bits of Starfleet Academy, all of Klingon Academy (I was kinda-sorta part of the mod community), Bridge Commander (not a modder, just hanging out - in fact, FarShot sent me here when I asked about fleets), Star Trek: Klingon (actually, I kinda cheated, someone posted the whole thing on YouTube, but it still pans out with making choices like the game, so it still counts, right?), Starship Creator and Legacy. I also dabble in a bit of forum-based simming; one of the fleets I was in was in fact for a simming group that is, ironically, called the Ninth Fleet (it's known as "The Ninth" in STO).

The other fleets I've been in include Nexus Fleet, formed by old friends from my chat room simming days, which kinda went kaput even before all the fleet perks were put in; and the Tairis-Forsaken alliance, which seems to have started coming apart since I last played back in November. I admit I'm a tad prone to distraction, getting into one game and not playing others for long periods - I went on a three-week Old Republic binge and didn't play WoW for a while, heh heh.

As for my preferences...I've never been much of a fan of PvP, period, and people's attiudes are part of the reason why; it's also why I am occasionally hesitant to do dungeons/flashpoints/STFs/etc. using group finders. I'm more into story, and most story tends to be produced by PvE; I have yet to really see a game that contributes to the story by having people in an arena capturing a flag (like in Old Republic - Huttball? Seriously? We're in the middle of a bloody war, and the ideal method of warfare is entertaining Hutts?)

And lastly, my tag is, naturally, @Joshmaul - my Fed characters are Underwood (tac), Shirvallah (tac again) and G'dath (sci), and my KDF characters are Devaneaux (eng), Melena (tac) and D'Gehn (sci). All are level 50.

Re: Looking to join up

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 6:58 pm
by apollox
Welcome to the fleet. Since u are from the U.S. u will be assigned to the 1st squadron under maddog. I will sort your permissions ASAP